6 Exercises for Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief

What is the Sciatic Nerve?

It is the longest nerve in the human body originates in the lower back and continues through the hips, buttocks and legs, running down to both the feet.

Being such a crucial nerve i reduced to an extent with the right exercises and the use of a pain relief gel like Moov STRONG.

What exercises can you do for Sciatica pain relief?

One of the best ways to relieve Sciatica pain is to perform any stretch that can rotate the hip externally,

Some of such stretches include:

  • Reclining pigeon pose
  • Sitting pigeon pose
  • Forward pigeon pose
  • Knee to the opposite shoulder
  • Sitting spinal stretch
  • Standing hamstring stretch
  1. Reclining Pigeon Pose

This stretch is best suited for those who are just beginning treatment.

  • Move the right leg to a right angle while on the back. You should clasp both hands behind the thigh and lock fingers
  • Now lift the left leg and keep the right ankle above the left knee
  • Holding the posture for a few seconds would stretch the small piriformis muscle which can become inflamed sometimes and cause pain
  • Repeat the same with the other leg


  1. Sitting Pigeon Pose
  • Sit on the floor, keeping the legs stretched out straight
  • Bend the right leg and place the right ankle above the left knee
  • Lean forward and allow the upper body to reach towards your thigh
  • After holding for half a minute, repeat the same on the other side

This position will stretch the glutes and the lower back.


  1. Forward Pigeon Pose
  • kneel on all fours
  • Move the right leg forward in front of your body. The lower leg should be on the ground, horizontally. 
  • Place the right knee to the right with the right feet in front of it. 
  • The left leg needs to be stretched behind on the floor, and the top of the foot must be on the ground and toes point back. 
  • You should let your legs take your weight. The hands should be on the side. 
  • Now repeat the same with the other leg.


  1. Knee to the opposite shoulder

This is one of the essential exercises for Sciatica Pain as it helps loosen the piriformis and gluteal muscles. 

  • Lie on the back for this with legs extended, and feet flexed upwards. 
  • Bend the right leg, clasp your hands around the knee. 
  • Now, pull the right leg gently across the body towards the left shoulder. 
  • After you continue the posture for 30 seconds, push your knee to the initial position. You will experience a relieving pull and no pain. 
  • Switch legs after three repetitions. 


  1. The Sitting Spinal Stretch

This stretch can help create space in the spine to relieve pressure on the Sciatic Nerve.

  • Sit on the ground, extend your legs straight out and flex your feet upwards
  • Then, bend your right knee, after which, place your foot on the floor. Place it in a way that your foot must be on the outside of your opposite knee. 
  • To help you turn your body to the right, position your left elbow on the outer side of your right knee.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds and repeat three times, and then switch sides.


  1. Standing Hamstring Stretch

Exercises like this can help ease the pain and tightness in the hamstring caused by a damaged Sciatica Nerve.

  • First, keep your right foot on a surface that is elevated at or below your hip level. You could use a chair or a step on a staircase. Make sure your thighs and leg are straight. If your knee hyperextends, keep it slightly bent.
  • Make sure your body is bent slightly in the forward direction towards your foot. Stretch deeper as you move forward but be sure to stop if you feel even the slightest discomfort.
  • Move the hip of the raised leg downwards instead of lifting it. If you need help, use a yoga strap or an exercise band (the long one) over the thigh and under the left foot.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.



These 6 exercises for Sciatica Pain can help you keep the unbearable discomfort in control. Along with these exercises, you can use Moov Diclofenac Gel or Spray for warmth, and quick and long-lasting pain relief.

Exercise with care

While performing these exercises, remember that your flexibility might vary when compared to others facing the same problem. Also, if you are referring to a video online or on TV, take caution that the people who demonstrate these exercises may be professionals with better flexibility. Hence, you should always consult your doctor or your physiotherapist for guidance.