Knee Pain: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

  • The knees play an essential part in our body’s movement throughout our lives.
  • Knee pain is a common problem that can occur at any point in life.
  • Knee pain may occur as a result of an injury or gradually develop as an ailment.

What is knee pain?

Pain in the knees felt at random intervals, or as a constant sensation while resting or undertaking certain activities can be classified as knee pain. Most types of knee pain are temporary discomforts that heal with the right kind of care. However, in case of severe damage to the area, the knees might require more elaborate treatment for the pain.

What are the signs & symptoms of knee pain?

Some common knee pain symptoms are:

  • Painful swelling around the knee
  • Difficulties in standing up or sitting down
  • Weakness or loss of stability while walking
  • Inability to climb up or descend staircases
  • Snapping or grinding noise upon bending of the knee
  • Inability to fully straighten the leg or completely bend the knee

What are the causes of knee pain?

Some common causes of knee pain are:

  • Running, jumping, or lifting weights, without adequate practice
  • Sudden twists and turns
  • Being overweight and obese
  • Habitually maintaining incorrect postures while sitting or standing
  • Slipping and falling down
  • Physical inactivity
  • Wear and tear due to ageing
  • Direct injuries
  • Arthritis

How to cure knee pain?

Knowing how to get rid of knee pain is essential to ensure a quick response time after you encounter the issue.

  • Apply ice to reduce the pain and swelling
  • Wear a knee band
  • Keep your leg elevated
  • Give your knees a few days of rest

Walking aids such as a crutch can take the stress off of your knee. You can take anti-inflammatory medications or apply creams and sprays for knee pain relief, such as Moov STRONG Diclofenac Gel and Diclofenac Spray.

How can Moov STRONG help?

For almost four decades now, Moov has been helping individuals cure knee pain and other body pain ailments, such as joint pain, neck pain, and ankle pain. Moov STRONG Gels and Moov STRONG Sprays contain Diclofenac (No.1 Doctor’s prescribed active) that provides instant and long-lasting relief from knee pains and helps you get back on your feet in no time. Moov STRONG is a non-sticky, fast-absorbing product that directly targets the source of the pain, creates a warming sensation, and provides long-lasting relief from pain.

When to seek medical help?

If the pain persists or increases after treatment, or if your knee swells up, seek immediate medical attention. Knee injuries can quickly deteriorate into more significant issues if not treated in time.